We need to hold personal information about your child on our computer system and in paper records to help us with their educational needs. The headteacher is responsible for their accuracy and safe-keeping. Please help to keep your child’s records up-to-date by informing us of any change of circumstances.
School staff have access to your child’s records to enable them to do their jobs. From time to time information may be shared with others involved in your child’s care, if it is necessary. Anyone with access to your child’s records is properly trained in confidentiality issues and is governed by a legal duty to keep their details secure, accurate and up to date.
All information about your child is held securely and appropriate safeguards are in place to prevent accidental loss.
In some circumstances we may be required by law to release your child’s details to statutory or other official bodies, for example if a court order is presented, or in the case of public educational issues. In other circumstances you may be required to give written consent before information is released, such as educational reports for insurance, solicitors, etc.
To ensure your child’s privacy, we will not disclose information over the telephone unless we are sure that we are talking to you as the parent/carer. Information will not be disclosed to family and friends unless we have prior written consent.
You have a right to see your child’s records if you wish. Please ask at the school office if you would like further details. An appointment will be required. There is usually no fee payable.
For the full privacy notices, please see below.
Third Party Suppliers
We do not share information about pupils or staff with any third party without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.
Where it is legally required, or necessary (and it complies with data protection law) we may share personal information about persons with:
- 121 Counselling (pupil well-being)
- Access Through Technology (access to ICT hardware)
- Andrew Jeffrey – The Mathemagician (teaching resource)
- Apple (iPads)
- Auditors
- Bug Club (online reading books)
- Charanga (teaching resource)
- Class Dojo (behaviour and home/school communication)
- Classroom Secrets (teaching resource)
- CPOMS (safeguarding)
- Creative Corner (website provider)
- Department for Education (DfE)
- DSP (school photographer)
- Early Education Endowment Foundation
- Edenred (FSM vouchers)
- Edmodo (email)
- Educator Solutions (training)
- Espresso (teaching resource)
- EVOLVE (educational visits)
- Explorify (teaching resource)
- Facebook (social media)
- Financial organisations (Barclays Bank, HR and Payroll services provided by the LA)
- Get Set 4 PE (teaching resource)
- Go Noodle (teaching resource)
- Google (internet browser)
- Governorhub (school governors only)
- Grammarsaurus (teaching resource)
- Hamilton Trust (lesson planning)
- Hearts and Minds (Parent Support Advisor)
- HSE (health and safety)
- IRIS (Parentmail, Parent Pay)
- JC Commtech (ICT support)
- Reading Cloud (Junior Librarian)
- LA finance department
- Literacy Shed (teaching resource)
- Mathletics (teaching resource)
- Maths Shed (teaching resource)
- Microsoft (Office 365 accounts)
- National College (training)
- NCC Budget Planner (finance)
- NCC Star Accounts (finance)
- NELI (Early language support)
- NFER (assessment)
- Norfolk County Council – Children’s Services (Education)
- Norfolk Disclosures (DBS and recruitment checks)
- Norfolk Outbreak Management Team (Covid-19)
- Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI)
- Ofsted (regulator)
- Operation Encompass (information sharing around domestic abuse)
- OSHENS (accident reporting and monitoring)
- Perspective Light (secure transfer of information between school and LA)
- Phonics Play (teaching resource)
- Power of Reading (teaching resource)
- Power Maths (teaching resource)
- Public Health England (Test & Trace)
- Pupil Asset (Management Information System)
- Pupils’ families and representatives
- South Norfolk School Partnership (sporting events)
- Spelling Shed (teaching resource)
- Tapestry (EYFS records and communication)
- Teach Active (teaching resource)
- Teach Your Monster to Read (teaching resource)
- The Welfare Call Group (Looked-after children)
- Times Table Rock Stars (teaching resource)
- Twinkl (teaching resource)
- Willow Tree Learning (Educational Psychologist)
- Survey and research organisations
- Health authorities
- Security organisations
- Health and social welfare organisations
- Professional advisers and/or consultants
- Charities and voluntary organisations (such as FoRPS)
- Police forces, courts, tribunals
- Professional bodies
- National Pupil Database